Peatmoor Books
Welcome to the home of Peatmoor Books where you will find the Hughes Guides For the Curious series debut, All Hallows and the Powerful Dead as well as Endpoints Not Included, an archive of the selected writings of Grace Greggory Hughes.
All Hallows and the Powerful Dead
Product Details
Publisher: Peatmoor Books (1 November 2024)
Language: English
PDF digital download: 50 pages
This is an introductory guide to the season of All Hallows, or the 31st October to 2nd November. It is ideal for those who are curious about what the difference between ghosts and ancestors might be and whether people beyond our bloodline can be considered our ancestors—they can. It answers questions on how to enter a graveyard and make the proper acknowledgements and offerings while there. And it describes the kinds of offering to set out for your Kindly Helpers and the ancestor spirits that you seek to honour through remembrance.
Readers will find exercises designed to help them discern who their Powerful Dead are along with practical instructions to create a tool that can be used in relation to the dead to establish sacred space, to create a devotional focal point, or to perform spells. There is a consecration rite, a recipe for a blessing oil and tips for a four-elements nature walk. It’s perfect for those who are curious about how to contact, care for, aid, and honour the dead in such a way that the dead might be inclined to offer their care and aid in return.
And the best thing of all is that The Curious will quickly come to understand that the starter tips and practices offered here will last long after the 2nd of November. They will enrich the lives of all who take them up for many years to come.
Endpoints Not Included
Product Details
Publisher: Peatmoor Books (22 October 2024)
Language: English
PDF digital download: 134 pages
These collected writings are an archive of selected works all of which have, for the most part, been previously published in various blog or newsletter iterations that are now obsolete. You will also find short book reviews, writing exercises, a sprinkling of poetry, and a short story selected from my notebooks. The contents are arranged in reverse order by date, exactly as you would expect if you were reading a blogroll or an internet archive—the beginning is the end, and the end, the beginning.